Sejak tahun 1994, Perkumpulan Persatuan Insinyur Profesional Indonesia yang disingkat PIPI merupakan perkumpulan tenaga kerja teknik ahli (lulusan sarjana teknik) dengan pengalaman minimal 3 tahun dan tenaga kerja trampil yang berpengalaman minimal delapan tahun (lulusan STM/SMU/politeknik). Mereka bergerak di bidang jasa konstruksi di berbagai sektor industri bangunan, oil & gas, power plant, manufaktur serta fabrikasi. Perjalanan kami sedikit demi sedikit dapat mencapai mimpi kami untuk melebarkan sayap ke timor tengah.

Dengan konsistensi, Perkumpulan PIPI akhirnya membuat perwakilan di Doha – Qatar (2019) guna membangun hubungan bilateral dan berupaya meningkatkan kerjasama dengan timor tengah terutama dibidang konstruksi dan teknik.

Segera Daftar Menjadi Anggota Persatuan Insinyur Profesional Indonesia Sekarang!

  • Mengisi formulir calon anggota
  • Menyerahkan fotokopi ijazah terakhir dan memperlihatkan aslinya
  • Menyerahkan fotokopi KTP, NPWP, dan ijazah sekolah yang di legalisir cap basah
  • Pengalaman kerja bagi sarjana (Engineer) min 3 tahun (dibidang keteknikan) dari kelulusan dikeluarkannya ijazah S1
  • Pengalaman kerja bagi Sarjana Muda (D3) min 5 tahun (dibidang keteknikan) dari kelulusan dikeluarkannya ijazah D3
  • Pengalaman kerja bagi STM /SMA min 8 tahun (dibidang keteknikan)
  • Menyerahkan resume pengalaman kerja dan referensi pengalaman kerja.
  • pas foto terbaru ukuran 3×4 (5 lembar)

Kontak Kami Sekarang!


Whatsapp: +62818152767

Phone: +62217691661


Since 1994, the Association of Indonesian Professional Engineers Association, abbreviated as PIPI, is an association of skilled engineering workers with a minimum of 3 years experience and skilled workers with a minimum of eight years of experience (STM/SMU/polytechnic graduates). They are involved in construction services in various sectors of building, oil & gas, power generation, manufacturing and fabrication industries. Our journey over the years, gradually improve and able achieve our dream of expanding into the middle east. With consistency, the PIPI Association finally made a representative in Doha – Qatar (2019) in order to build bilateral relations and seek to increase cooperation with the middle east, especially in the fields of construction and engineering.

Join Our Membership Now!

  • Requirements include: Copy of CV, Copy of Education Diploma and Grade Report, Copy of Passport or ID card
  • Photograph size 3×4 (5 sheets)
  • Payment in Advance to Our Bank Account CIMB Niaga, Fatmawati Branch No. 022.0101.603000

Contact us!


Whatsapp: +62818152767

Phone: +62217691661


Qatar Construction Market Overview

The Qatari market covers the growing construction projects in different sectors, like commercial construction, residential construction, industrial construction, infrastructure (transportation construction), and energy and utility construction. Along with the scope of the report also segmented by type of construction like fencing, additions, and new building.